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Thetford Planning Applications Archive

This pages lists significant planning applications that have been previously been decided. They are listed by the application date, in chronological order.


Outline Application for up to 115 Dwellings on Land East of Arlington Way (3PL/2017/0578/O)
Application by Shadwell Estate Company Ltd.
The application was considered at the Breckland Planning Committee Meeting on 1st October 2018 (item 11818i), where it was refused on the grounds of the loss of trees subject to Tree Protection Orders. However, an amendment with a more detailed plan for mitigation of the removed trees was submitted in December 2018. This was rejected again by the Planning Committee in March 2019.


Application to add bollards and access gates around Barnham Cross Common and Melford Common
Under Section 38 of the Commons Act, Thetford Town Council was seeking consent from the Secretary of State for a number of measures to prevent illegal encampments and vehicles accessing the commons.
Due to deficiencies in the original application, the Council was asked to revise it and re-submit. The revised application will be re-advertised and open for comments again later.
Representations could be made made between 24th September to 30th November 2018.
Conversion of Oddfellows Hall into Flats (3PL/2018/0877/F)
Application by South Norfolk Developments Ltd to convert the old Snooker Hall on Earls Street into 7 Flats. Also includes the demolition of a rear extension to the building to enable the construction of two ground-floor flats.
Permission granted on 3rd June 2019.


New three-storey Apartment Building on Thetford Cottage Hospital Site (3PL/2019/0149/O)
Application by Tang and Associates Ltd to demolish the former former Cottage Hospital building on Earls Street, and erect a new three-storey apartment building containing 30 flats on the site.
The application was withdrawn by the applicant on 6th June 2019.
Extension to Premier Inn on Brandon Road (3PL/2019/0751/F)
An application by Whitbread Group Plc to construct a new two-storey extension to the hotel to add 28 new rooms, and to reduce the size of the hotel car park.
The application was refused on 15th November 2019, because of insufficient additional car park spaces being available.
Demolition of Former Cottage Hospital and Construction of Nine Terraced Dwellings (3PL/2019/1344/F)
Application by South Norfolk Developments to redevelop the site of the former Cottage Hospital on Earls Street.
The Application was considered and permission granted for the development on 18th December 2019.